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Do pets transmit coronavirus (COVID-19) ? 

On Wednesday, the French Health Agency put an end to questions about the possibility of the transmission of the new Coronavirus from human to animal, stressing that there is no evidence yet of this hypothesis.

The French health agency said that so far there is no evidence that pets can transmit the emerging Coronavirus, noting that it is "unlikely" that the disease will be transmitted from human to animal.

The diagnosis of a dog in Hong Kong with the newly developed Coronavirus at the end of February, with its owner, also infected, raised questions about the possibility of human-to-animal transmission.

In this context, the French Health Agency called for an emergency meeting that included a number of experts to study the possibility of human-to-animal transmission and infection through eating meat.

According to the agency's findings, "There has been no scientific evidence that pets can play a role in the spread of the SARS-Covid-2 virus."

Experts emphasized that "the possibility of transmission of the virus from human to animal is very small," even if the virus first emerged at the bat and turned into another type before transmission to humans.

Experts believe that the discovery of the virus in the sinuses and openings of the dog's mouth in Hong Kong is not sufficient evidence of infection with the virus, but may indicate a "negative" infection, that is, carrying the virus but without reproduction. The agency has again called for more studies on this point.

In addition, the agency also ruled out the possibility of transmission of the virus through eating meat.

However, all animals can carry germs that can cause disease, it is always a good practice to practice healthy habits around pets and other animals, wash hands after handling or feeding the animals, their waste, or supplies, and train to clean the pets properly.

If you are sick with coronavirus, you should restrict contact with pets and other animals, just as you would with other people, and avoid contact with your pet, including petting, kissing, licking and sharing food.

It is recommended that people with COVID-19 limit contact with animals so that more information about the virus is known, as this can help maintain the health of you and your animals.

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