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 It is small and is green. it loves the water. it enjoys
 it is hopping from lily pad to lily pad. it has a long tongue, and it makes a noise
that sounds like rrribit, rrribit! Who is it ?”
If you said “a frog,” pat yourself on the back! Of course,
those clues made it pretty easy to guess! Most people know how are frogs look

 25 ) Facts about frogs

1) Frogs don't close their eyes even if they are sleepy 

2) You won’t ever need to say that, because frogs already have backbones. Creatures with backbones are called vertebrates. Frogs are also amphibians, which means that they spend their lives both on land and in the water. 

3) Unlike you and me, frogs are cold-blooded, which means that their body temperature changes depending on the temperature of the place they are in. 

4)  Frogs have large bug eyes, thick bodies, arms and legs that fold underneath them, and no tails. They come in different colors, from green, gray, and brown, to bright, splashy patterns of fire-engine red and lemon yellow! 

5 ) They also come in all different sizes—from less than half an inch long to a whole foot long! Now, that’s a big frog!

6) When a frog catches an insect with its tongue, the tongue will retract and then throw the insect into the frog’s stomach.

7) The amount of webbing in a frog’s feet is proportional to the amount of time that species spends in the water.

 8) During the winter frogs will hibernate by using their strong legs to burrow underground.

9) The striped rocket frog can jump more 60 times its body length, which would be like a human jumping across a football field from goalpost to goalpost.

10) The glass frog has translucent skin. You can watch its heart and lungs moving, and watch its stomach digest food. 

11)  Some frogs attract their mates by changing they body color and waving their arms around like crazy people.

12) Frogs are very sensitive to changes in the environment and water pollution is responsible for wiping out entire species of frogs. So if you’ve got some old chemical weapons lying around the house don’t throw them in the lake. Call the United Nations. They’ll hook you up with a disposal squad and also a lawyer. Because you’re gonna need one. Chemical weapons are super illegal. 

13) Because frogs have such bulgy eyes, it’s easy to see why they have great eyesight! In fact, a frog can see in almost every direction without turning around! How cool would that be? 

14) Frogs also have an excellent sense of hearing. A frog’s eardrums are located right behind its eyes. Wanna know a really fun secret? You can sometimes tell whether a frog is a boy or girl just by looking at its eardrums! If the frog’s eardrum is the same size as its eye, the frog is a boy. If it’s smaller—it’s a girl! What do you think of that? 

15) Hold onto your hat—there are a lot more astonishing facts about frogs! For instance, did you know that a frog breathes through its skin, rather than through its nose or mouth? Like people, frogs do have lungs—but it’s the skin’s job to carry the oxygen to them. Only one kind of frogs on the island of Borneo in Indonesia has no lungs – it breathes entirely through its skin.Frogs don’t drink water with their mouths; they “drink” by absorbing water through their skin.

16) Frog families are very, very large families! They begin when an adult male frog and an adult female frog find each other and decide to mate. Each different kind of frog has its own special call it can make. When a male frog calls out to a female frog, she answers him. Once they meet, they find a good spot to mate and lay eggs.

17) The male hairy frog has bristles on its back and looks like a cross between a frog and Wolverine, the superhero from the X-Men. (Not even joking.) Most species of frog live near the equator where it’s nice and warm. The Indian skipper frog can jump out of the water while floating on the surface.

18) The mother frog lays her eggs in the water. She can lay up to 4,000 eggs at one time! That’s more frogs than there are people in some small towns! Can you even imagine having that many children? The frog eggs float through the water in a cluster called an egg mass. The babies stay inside the eggs for different lengths of time, depending on the type of frog. 
For some frogs, it takes just one week for the eggs to hatch! But whenever the eggs hatch, itty-bitty frogs are not what pops out. Instead, small fish-like creatures called tadpoles come out of the eggs! That’s right—all frogs start their lives as tadpoles! Unlike other children, these tadpoles are on their own. Now that their mommy has laid her eggs, she is done with these kids! They are able to take care of themselves.

19) Frogs have a hard time seeing things when they’re very close. There more than 4,800 different species of frogs. 
It’s impossible to tell exactly how many species there are since many frogs live in hard-to-access locations like dangerous jungles and rainforests. The crab-eating frog from south-eastern Asia is the only amphibian that can survive for brief periods of time in salt water.

20) After a while, the tadpoles slowly begin to change. Their bodies shrink, and they grow legs. Already, they look like tiny frogs, so now they are called froglets! Then, the froglets’ tails shrink. Their lungs develop, and their legs grow even more. When all these steps have taken place, it is safe to say that the tadpoles have completely transformed into frogs! Soon, they can mate and start huge frog families of their own!

21) You’ve already learned that frogs are able to call out to each other, and that every kind of frog sounds different! What are some other noises frogs make? You probably already know that frogs croak—but did you know that only male frogs can do this? That’s because they have a small sac in their throats that vibrates the air when it flows over the sac. Female frogs don’t have this sac. Aside from croaking, frogs can also chirp, whistle, ribbit, peep, bark, cluck, and grunt! That sounds like a whole barnyard full of noises— doesn’t it? Some frogs even produce a musical sound that is very nice to listen to. This can be thought of as a frog’s way of singing!

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