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What can you feed your fish?

What can you feed your fish?

Many fish farmers ask me about fish foods, especially freshwater fish ,what can you feed your fish ? , which foods are best for young fish ? Is protein-rich food the best ? What is the best way to prevent water disturbance? What can you feed your fish?
So I thought it would be better to write this small article, to answer the most common questions about feeding domestic fish, and to list some of the mixtures that I hope will meet the needs of many.

Determine the type of food

Fish vary greatly in their biological and natural characteristics depending on their species, including the different categories of food you eat. Fish is a carnivore that feeds on other creatures, such as grasshopper, and codfish may feed on small insects, such as flies and worms. This food can be found in pet markets. Commercial foods may contain a mixture of fish meat, squid and earthworms, supported by certain vitamins and minerals. The type of food needed by these organisms may also vary depending on where they live if they live in saline or freshwater , And Some fish species need to own food depends on their characteristics and their specific needs.

Keep food

It is recommended to store fish food in the refrigerator in low grades, in order to save as many vitamins and minerals as it contains, which benefit the fish in the construction of the body and functioning functions, in addition it is not good to buy a lot of food for the fish and left at home for later use, May lose some of its nutritional content over time, so it is advisable to present it when it is new and fresh.

Determine the amount of food

     Most fish prefer only one serving of food per day, which is sufficient. Some breeders prefer to divide this ration into two small meals, which are offered at separate times. It is advisable to ask specialists about the number of fish rations, depending on their type and nature. Reduce fish intake as much as possible because fish may eat even when you do not feel hungry, and so multiplying food rations will push them to increase the amount you eat regularly. 

     It is important not to overestimate the amount of food and food provided to ornamental fish, Excessive amount of food given to fish may lead to increased weight, thus avoiding eating more than it needs. In addition, avoid foods high in fat for fish. They may lead to liver problems. 

     Large amounts of food make the aquarium polluted, and may make the aquarium purifiers clog and block or cause the water to become poisonous, and all these effects may harm the fish and affect his life and health.
     It is difficult to judge the amount of food Suitable for fish According to many factors, Including the type of fish, their offspring, their size and their different characteristics, and the correct amount of food can be tried for the fish with a little scattering on the pelvis, waiting for the reaction of the fish. When it devoured everything that was placed in the basin, and the fish eat enough food to fill the stomach, and can be tested several times to ensure the appropriate amount of food for the fish, and advised - as a precaution - to reduce the quantity at first as much as possible, even if less than the need of fish, it is better than exaggeration. 

Tips for breeding ornamental fish

       There are several things to consider when breeding ornamental fish. Some fish begin small life, such as carp, but they soon swell in volume - when they are well fed - so it is impossible to keep them in a normal household. Need to be transferred to an external basin.
       In particular cases, ornamental fish may be at risk. Domestic cats and urban birds may like catching them if the opportunity arises, and some fish may prey on each other if kept in the same basin. On the other hand, several species of different species The babies are born, so the aquarium may soon become crowded with lots of fish.

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