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Chicken language: steps to communicate with your chickens

Chicken language: steps to communicate with your chickens

The World For Animals is here in an onther article 

Chicken language
Humans often communicate without words: we use our eyes, - gestures, facial expressions, and body language. Chickens use most of these, but they have also more than two dozen different vocalizations. These calls include ones relating to territory, mating, distress, anger, fear, happiness, the discovery of food, and nesting. Contrary to what one may hear from the industry, chickens are not mindless, simple automata but are complex behaviorally, do quite well in learning, show a rich social organization, and have a diverse repertoire of calls. Anyone who has kept barnyard chickens also recognizes their significant differences in personality.

For communicate with chickens you have to know all thing about them 
You must be patient ,
Enjoy !

How Communicate Mother With Their Chicks ?

Mother hens communicate with their chicks via clucks and squawks, even when they are still nestled in their eggs. It starts with the chicks. Twenty-four hours before hatching, a peeping sound, also known as “clicking,” is heard from within the egg. This sound serves as communication to the mother hen from the babies, as well as among the chicks. As the hen answers back, the peeps inform her how long to stay on the nest and how many babies to expect.

Once the chicks have hatched, the mother watches over her babies, teaching them where to find food and what things are good to eat. She alerts them to danger and guides them to safety. She gathers her brood into the warmth of her downy feathers with a special call.

Amazing True Facts About Chickens

                It’s hard to outrun a chicken. Chickens can run as fast as 9 mph (14.5 kph), while humans average just over 8 mph (13 kph).
               The average hen lays 265 eggs per year.

The Avam Cemani, a rare Indonesian breed, is entirely black, including feathers, skin, and even internal organs! The Silkie is also all black from its skin to its insides. This phenomenon is the result of a genetic condition known as fibromatosis .

The chicken is the closest living relative to the Tyrannosaurus rex.
Chickens don’t sweat. They regulate body temperature through their combs and wattles. The average chicken has 7,500 to 9,000 feathers, made of keratin, the same protein as in human hair and nails.
They may not have teeth, but their barbed tongues catch food and move it to the back of the throat. Chickens produce saliva, but with few taste buds, they can’t taste sweetness.
Most breeds of chickens have four toes, but some have five. Chickenhearted: A chicken’s heart beats some 400 times per - minute, compared to the human average of 60 to 80.

Do Chickens Have a Third Eye ?

The pineal gland, located on the top dorsal surface of the brain, has been called the chicken’s third eye because it has photoreceptors similar to the ones in the eye. This gland produces melatonin and regulates the circadian (daily) rhythms that dictate sleep cycles and other bodily functions. The pineal gland also triggers egg-laying. We now realize that a chicken’s pineal gland, once thought to react only to the number of seasonal light changes, also reacts to changes in the type of light. As the season's change, so does the spectrum of light that enters our eyes. Light affects the minds and body functions of the chicken, including egg-laying.

Why Don't The Chickens Fly ?

Chickens aren’t great flyers. They can fly about 6 feet in the air, managing spurts of about 20 feet in length. Their ancestors lived on the ground and spent their lives foraging on the jungle floor, not searching for food from the air. Their relatively long legs and feet were well adapted for walking and scratching, but their wings only needed to be strong enough to carry them into nearby trees to roost. 
Today’s wild jungle fowl can fly a bit better than domesticated chickens, whose flying ability has mostly been bred out of them in favor of meat or egg production.

Raising chicken

With all their smarts, chickens are highly trainable. They can be motivated with treats and clickers. They can easily learn to recognize patterns, shapes, colors, and images of other animals. They can be trained to follow and peck at a moving target. Here are some of the things chickens can do:

 Slalom through poles 

 Jump hurdles 

 Climb ramps

 Hop through hoops 

 Run through tunnels 

 Play the piano, xylophone, and drums

 Dance along to music while keeping the rhythm

      Training chickens is so fun and rewarding that there are even camps where you can take your favorite chicken and teach her some new tricks!

The Result

Talking to chickens like humans can only be done with signs, and this requires a two-year-old experience because the chickens are non-quiet and kinetic .

After knowing a bunch of information about chickens and how to raise them, Now you can talk to your chickens

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